
  • In this period of high inflation the Federal Reserve has expressed its intention to raise short term interest rates.
  • It is widely accepted that when short term rates rise , long term rates tend to follow; Interest rate changes are investable through Treasury bills, notes, and bonds.
  • Prices of treasury bills, notes, and bonds are inversely related to yields/interest rates, as interest rates/ yields rise, prices of bills, notes, and bonds decline.
  • Tradeable securities exist that have sole exposure to treasuries. The value of these securities will be directly affected by increases in interest rates.

Inflation: US 7.9% year over year, Target 2%

Current inflation rate and Target rate for US and other Regions

You can find how the Federal Reserve controls inflation by clicking here

Potential Trade


  • TMV is a publicly listed ETF that gives 3x inverse leverage exposure to the ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Index. This means that for every 1% decrease in the ICE index TMV rises by 3%
  • The ICE U.S Treasury 20+ Year Index has been falling as the value of 20 year Treasury bonds decreases due to higher interest rates.
  • TMV was trading at a high of $236.60 per share on November 2nd, 2018, the US 20 year treasury yield peaked at a high of 3.37% on November 2nd 2018, and the ICE index hit a low of $99.82 on November 2nd, 2018.
  • TMV is currently trading at $78.04 and the current 20 year Treasury yield is 2.74%, the ICE index is trading at $122.01

Viable strategies

  • Protective put strategy: buy 100 shares of TMV and purchase at the money put option with longest expiration. Cost:$7804 + option premium Max profit: Unlimited. Max Loss: Put option premium
  • Naked Call option: Buy at the money calls with longest expiration: Cost: Call option premium Max Profit: Unlimited Max Loss: Call option premium.
  • Buy shares: Buy # shares: Cost: Quantity x share price Max Profit: Unlimited Max Loss: Entire investment

Investment Horizon: 1 year

  • Economists have projected up to 8 rate increases by the end of 2022, as the rates rise so will TMV.

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